Hellen Chen’s Love Seminar Book

The Missing Love Manual that Makes Your Relationship Last

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   #1 Bestseller in Parenting & Family





"Marriage is the most reliable home for love, and is also
the most beautiful stage for love."

- Hellen Chen's Love Seminar Book  

Hellen Chen's work in family, marriage and personal developments are featured in over 200 media publications in 18 countries. She has been a frequent guest on independent and network radio programs and TV shows on FOX, CBS, NBC, and ABC, etc.

Matchmaker Hellen Chen

"...sheds light on why modern dating is failing." CBS News

"brings a fresh new look on marriage in the modern world"Yahoo News

"...brought together many couples who had been resistive about marriage in the first place.." Asian Week

"Hellen Chen spills the secrets on why divorce rates are on the rise..."Emirates247.com [Dubai Media News]

"...in a competitive society where career and work come first, Chen talks about establishing a family as the first step..."EFE [Largest Spanish News Network]

Hellen Chen in the news

Dear Hardworking Professionals,

When we were in school, many of us have been taught that academic and career achievements should be our main focus. Thus the most important lessons have always been academic and career achievements lessons.

But as many people go into relationships, they find out they have never learned what they could do to make relationships last. Some people divorced and yet after re-marry, they still make similar mistakes.

Some singles choose to stay single because dating with different partners have taught them the "lesson" that it is better to not step into marriage.

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Hellen Chen’s Love Seminar Book is specially tailor-made for successful working professionals to pick up the most important love lessons that they have missed.


What You Would Learn:

What is the secret to a successful relationship? Page 210

What is the common problem behind hardships in marriages? Page 198

What is the best way for a man to impress a girl? Page 87

Why focusing on whether a potential marriage partner is good-looking or plain, rich or average income is "unproductive?" Page 62

If someone says "I like you. But I cannot be with you." What does this mean? Page 109

What is the most irritating thing a man could do to upset a woman? Page 207

What is the biggest mistake women make in their relationship? Page 19

What should you do if the person whom you have asked to marry you gives you an indefinite answer? Page 153

What would become of "beautiful women" who cannot get married? Page 107

Are "similar values" important while choosing a partner? Page 176

Should a person achieve financial stability first before getting married? Page 112

Why many women have a hard time getting married again after divorce? Page 66

Will spending more time together help you understand your dating partner? Page 95

Why some singles have a hard time finding their match? Page 56


Readers Feedback

"...truly inspiring and encouraging, not just for singles or individuals who are in a relationship, but for also those are already married. Despite that I have read only few phrases from the 2 books, yet I absolutely tell why her works became bestseller because I can relate much of those few striking perspectives."

Art F.N, Art Designer


You have taken lessons for your profession. Now is the time to take the life-long lessons for being a perfect partner
for the special person in your life!

A Gift For Our Readers

(Regular value: $69)

Purchase Hellen Chen's Love Seminar book on

And you will receive the following:

Exclusive Audio Segments by Hellen Chen covering the topics below:

1) For couples who have been married for some time, it seems natural that they would “drift apart” or build up walls. Hellen shares what couples should do.

How does the success of a relationship come about? How can it be "guaranteed?"

Why most singles who are dating are simply taking care of someone else’s future spouse?

2) An in-depth discussion on How to Love Children and not Spoil Them (this is a special segment for those parents who have children and for those who plan to have children in the future.)

Most parents or single parents are working full-time. How do you raise children correctly without neglecting them or giving them too much?

Learn how to help children to be self-dependent.


A special video segment on a seminar Hellen has delivered to singles and couples


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